About the ProgramActivities and events that bring awareness and education regarding the impact of teen use of drugs and alcohol and gang involvement in our county. In 2012 FACTOR and AVPRIDE joined forces for the Alcohol Prevention Project.
Plans for 2013 and BeyondThe Alcohol Prevention Project is a 3-5 year project to address underage drinking in Fayette County. Given the notable onset of alcohol use among middle school students (and those just
starting high school), and the lack of systemic alcohol-information dissemination in middle school, we are choosing to most heavily focus on middle school students in our selected communities. Three particular attributes of the underage drinking environment in Fayette County drove the development of choosing our strategies: 1. The lack of systemic education of youth about alcohol. In particular, there is a glaring gap in almost any meaningful discussion of alcohol in school between 5th and 9th grades – a critical time when youth are both barraged by pro-alcohol messages, and making individual choices of whether to use alcohol. 2. The parental acceptance of underage drinking, and its manifestation in the social hosting of parties where alcohol is provided to underage youth. 3. Community Readiness scores of 2 and 1 in our key communities. Download brochure to view our 2013-2014 plan Did you know... Of the 159 Counties with 1 be the worst and 159 being the best, this is how Fayette ranked in the state over the following recorded (2010) data:
AVPRIDE Informationcheck AVPRIDE website for information on upcoming meetings and view our PSAs and TV series on consequences of underage drinking. Our chosen state priority goal: reduce the onset of early alcohol use among 9-20 year olds in Fayette County.
Community ResourcesPreventing Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Responsible Beverage Service Training
Train your employees to check IDs, recognize what's too much, the proper way to deny when a patron has had too much to drink. More Facts about Fayette Youth and Alcohol AbuseFACTOR has partnered with AVPRIDE to address the issue of Under Age Drinking in Fayette County. AVPRIDE, a local youth serving organization, is a designated provider for the statewide Alcohol Prevention Intiative.
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