If you have a desire to be engaged and effective in bringing about positive change in Fayette County, you need to be a member of Fayette FACTOR.
FACTOR membership is open to all who desire to work within a framework of community collaboration to improve the quality of life for all citizens in Fayette County, GA. Any person, organization, agency, or business, living in, operating in, or serving Fayette County, is welcome to join the collaborative.
Membership Levels and Benefits
Dues are not required for participation at monthly FACTOR Collaborative Meetings, however we encourage your investment in membership. Your membership is important to help us bring valuable programs and impactful trainings to the community, professional development, and important networking. It also offset the costs of meetings including lunch.
Listed below are details of the levels of FACTOR membership. Membership applications may be conveniently completed AT THIS LINK.
Individual and Organizational Levels (Individual - $60/yr, Organization - $100/yr)
Individual membership covers one person
Organizational membership covers up to 2 people
Year-round networking and collaborative opportunities through monthly FACTOR meetings with other Fayette County organizations focused on family, health, education, hunger, seniors, safety, and more
Listing in the FACTOR Membership Directory available on the FACTOR website, which includes link to your website/email
Individual Memberships listed as name, without organization affiliation
Opportunities throughout the year to attend trainings/workshops for free or at reduced price
Exemption from $5.00 meeting fee for lunch and materials for in-person meetings
Name tags at collaborative meetings, displaying membership level
Ability to announce events to all FACTOR members through our distribution list
Access to updates on public policy affecting Fayette County
Ability to provide information to be shared through the FACTOR social media platforms
Participation in FACTOR strategic planning efforts for our county
Access to Members Only Events including the Annual Legislators & Community Leaders Symposium
Opportunity to have your organization spotlighted in our e-newsletter
Opportunity to be a featured presenter if presentation is aligned with the strategic direction of FACTOR
Friends of FACTOR Level - ($250/yr). Includes all benefits of Individual/Organization Level plus:
Friends of FACTOR membership level covers up to 5 people.
Friends of FACTOR Membership Level designation in the Membership Directory on the FACTOR website (including link to your website/email)